Kristian Hall's Blog
Improve Your Life

Words That Will Change Your Life
You are always changing, and you can direct that change in a positive direction.

The Best Self Help Books Against Depression
There are many self help books against depression on the market. These are the best books from my perspective.

14 Steps to Happiness – a Program to Overcome Depression
I struggled with severe depression for more than a decade – as a teenager and student. When I was ill,

Seven steps that work against sleeplessness
I have slept intermittently poorly for as long as I can remember. The main reason for this is that my

Be proud of your ailing psyche – it is important to humanity
There is a link between mental illness and creativity. Maybe you can use your condition to give something beautiful to the world.

Exercise makes you happier!
Science tells us exercise is among the most effective measures against depression and anxiety. This is how you can get started!

You can always draw a line through life and build a new life, stone by stone
Every morning, when you wake, your life starts anew. You can always draw a line in the sand of your life – and start anew!

The big three: Compassion, Reframing and Gratitude
The Big Three: Compassion, Reframing and Gratitude, are habits that will positively revolutionize your life!

Seven things I wish I knew when I was young
Time is a wonderful teacher. Here are seven things I’ve learned so far in life, and that you may benefit by.